User Configurable (U-CON)驱动 - Kepware OPC Server 中国区总代理、合作伙伴 - 澳门太阳娱乐集团官网-澳门太阳集团备用网址


User Configurable (U-CON)


适用于 KEPServerEX 的 User Configurable (U-CON) 驱动可使用户快速轻松地为没有现成驱动的串行和以太网设备创建设备驱动(包括条形码扫描枪、称重设备、各种传感器和 RTU)。它的直观界面专为非编程者设计。用户仅需具备基本的协议常识、协议手册和设备即可开始使用。OPC 及其他专有客户端接口技术均在 KEPServerEX 中处理,以简化客户端通信。U-CON 驱动支撑 KEPServerEX 通信平台中的所有可用功能集。



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  • 支撑功能块
  • 支撑主动和非主动模式(主/从)
  • 支撑全局、暂存和初始化缓冲区
  • 支撑事件计数器
  • 支撑最高 100 个并发串行端口和网络接口卡 (NIC) 配置
  • 支撑错误恢复、可调整超时、写入优化
  • 通过多线程设计确保良好性能
  • 包括内置以太网封装以提供设备/终端服务器连接
  • 包括拨号调制解调器功能以提供串行设备连接
  • 包括具有协议显示功能的强大通信诊断系统
  • 允许通过全时在线操作进行无线更改
  • 支撑直接扩展设备数据,这允许将原始设备数据转换为用于 OPC 客户端应用程序的工程单位


  • 英语




  • Set key length to zero when Unsolicited mode is set to No.



  • Fixed an issue where write checksum commands would change type on project load.



  • Channel and device configurations can now be added, read, updated, and deleted programmatically through the Configuration API Service.
  • Transaction Editor Profiles (as a whole) can now be added, read, updated, and deleted programmatically through the Configuration API Service.
  • Improved password and security features.
  • Fixed an issue with the Multi-bit Integer format that only allowed a maximum selection of 8 bits if the Raw data format 32-bit Motorola (word swap) was selected.
  • Enforced respect for the Retry Attempts.


  • Fixed an issue where editing a tag with a client connected could hang the driver.



  • Added a new custom checksum: sum all bytes, invert all bits, truncate result to one byte, and add 1. The checksum is applicable to Emerald devices, from Industrial Indexing Systems.



  • Fixed an issue where global function blocks with commands CCmdWriteDeviceID or CCmdTestDeviceID could cause an XML configuration to fail to load.



  • Fixed a project load/save issue that was introduced in the 5.16.722.0 release that could cause both the Configuration and Runtime to fail to load projects. The failure was intermittent and depended on the project layout.



  • Updated the Tag Editor in the Transaction Editor to enforce the rules for tag names; specifically, to not allow trailing whitespace. This solves issues where copying and pasting a name that contains whitespace at the end caused the tag to fail validation. The Tag Group and Tag Block Name dialogs were also updated to enforce this.


  • Fixed an issue where deadlock could occur if multiple pieces of outgoing data were queued while the driver was still processing incoming data. This change affects the Transmit and Transmit Byte Commands.
  • Fixed an issue where data loss could occur if there was still data on the wire from a previous transmission when either a Transmit or Transmit Byte command was called.
  • Added logic to handle writing packets larger than 1024.
  • Added support for the CRC-8 Checksum, which is listed as "Custom #15 (8-bit)." The checksum's CRC polynomial is: x^7 + x^3 + 1.



Added the new custom check sum "Custom #14 (8-bit)". The check sum is determined by subtracting the valid hex numbers and the ASCII values of non-valid hex numbers from 0x00, and then swapping the Hi and Low nibbles.



  • Fixed an issue where the configuration client would crash when the driver attempted to automatically generate tags while disconnected from the Runtime.
  • Prevented a deadlock issue that could occur if multiple pieces of outgoing data were queued while the driver was processing incoming data. This change affects the Transmit and Transmit Byte Commands.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Update Tag" command no longer fails when used in an unsolicited mode tag and the tag type is "Dynamic ASCII Format".
  • DWord tags that use "ASCII Integer" or "ASCII Integer (packed 6 bit)" now support the full DWord range.
  • The "Update Tag" command now updates a numeric data tag that uses the "Byte from 2 ASCII Hex Chars (hh)" or "Nibble from 1 ASCII Hex Char" format.
  • Fixed an issue where transaction commands were unavailable from the Edit menu if the Transaction window was selected.
  • Increased the character limit for Tag Group Names and Tag Names to 255.
  • Added the new Custom Checksum "Custom #13 (8-bit)". This checksum sums the bytes and then subtracts the sum from zero.


Fixed high CPU utilization in the Server Runtime caused by the U-CON driver when using cached Write Value commands in unsolicited Ethernet encapsulation mode and no socket connection exists.


  • Fixed the ASCII/Hex ASCII encoding for the existing Date/Time formats and added new Date/Time formats. The new Date/Time formats include the following:
  • Added the Seek String Command. Reworked the Test String and Write String commands to support all the string formats that are supported by the driver.
  • The Event Counter is now stored as DWord. The Update Tag can update the tag with the value of the Event Counter for 8, 16, and 32-bit Intel data formats.
  • The Write Event Counter command now supports various 32-bit formats for writing the DWord Event Counter.
  • Added "Use Current Buffer Position" checkbox controls to the following commands: Test Device ID, Test String, Test Character, Test Check Sum, Test Bit Within Byte, and Compare Buffer.
  • Resolved an issue where the driver was failing to send closely-timed Transmit commands while using Ethernet Encapsulation.
  • Fixed an obscure issue where a temporary buffer used by the state machine of one channel could be overwritten by the state machine of another channel which resulted in erroneous updates of certain tags. State machines now use independent and thread safe buffers to prevent this problem.

     • Short Date [YYYY/MM/DD]

     • Short Date [YY/MM/DD]

     • Standard [MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS]

     • Standard [DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS]

     • Standard [DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS]

     • Standard [YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS]

     • Standard [YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS]


  • The driver will now check for License Activation upon receiving unsolicited communications.


  • Fixed issue where projects created in server/driver version 5.3 that used WriteDeviceID and WriteEventCounter commands would fail version comparison and not load the project in 5.4.
  • Fixed an issue wherein legacy .opf projects saved as xml would fail to pass schema validation.
  • Modified Transaction Editor Write commands, and also added Data destination radio buttons for Read, Write, Scratch, and Global buffers for commands CmdWriteDeviceId, CmdWriteEventCounter, and CmdWriteCheckSum.
  • Increased the Device ID value limit from 255 to 65535.
  • The Transaction Editor posted an incorrect validation message when creating a Cache Write Value command without a preceding Transmit command. A Write Data command is required before a Cache Write Value command. A Transmit command is not required. Both the validation and error message have been updated.
  • Fixed an issue wherein the driver sometimes failed to respect signed data types if the device data format had fewer bytes than the data type. Signed data types would not correctly display negative values. The driver now always respects whether the data type is signed when converting to and from the device format.


  • Fixed issue where the Invalidate Tag command would not invalidate tags inside of a Tag Block.
  • Added support for Custom #12 (8-bit) checksum. This is a variation on the Sum (8-bit) Check Sum. Input data is assumed to be in Ascii Hex. Data is converted to hex before sum. The sum is then subtracted from 0xFF.
  • Added model to support string based IDs. The model affects the formats available in the Write Device ID command and the Test Device ID command.
  • ASCII Real and ASCII Real (packed 6 bit) format property pages have been modified to be more user-friendly.
  • Fixed issue where Function Blocks and Global Buffer Preset were saved as part of an xml server project but were not available in the project when reloaded.


  • Added ability to select any character as the escape character for a selected group of control characters to the Handle Escape Character command.
  • Fixed issue where format properties for commands were not preserved in the transaction editor on loading a command's properties.


  • Fixed issue where Transmit Byte command and Clear Rolling Buffer command were allowed to be selected from the menu without selecting a transaction in the item view.



  • Fixed issue where the Event counter was not incrementing for unsolicited transactions when as command preceded the initial read response.
  • Fixed issue with ASCII Real and ASCII Real (packed 6-bit) formats where legacy projects failed to load a default value for the "Use decimal comma in place of decimal point" option in the format properties. This resulted in projects behaving as though it was set even though the check box was not marked. Viewing the dialog box would set the property to the default value (unchecked/false).
  • Fixed issue with ASCII Real and ASCII Real (packed 6-bit) formats where non-negative numbers with negative exponents only displayed the exponent.


要创建配置文件,您必须先从设备制造商处获得协议文档。许多硬件供应商将随设备提供协议文档,或在其网站上将协议文档发布为 PDF。请确保拥有设备型号,并准备好确定您的设备具有串行选项还是以太网选项。

U-CON 驱动的 Transaction Editor 使用菜单驱动的界面,允许配置读取和写入事务(数据包)以建立与设备之间的运行时通信。创建这些事务后,请将其上传为 KEPServerEX 中的标签,这是 Kepware 经现场验证的可靠通信平台。



示例 U-CON 配置文件


所有示例代码均由 Kepware 及其撰写者按现状提供,对于任何明示或暗示的担保,包括但不限于对适销性、针对特定用途的适用性的暗示担保,大家概不负责。在任何情况下,对于任何直接、间接、偶然、特别、典型或衍生性损害(包括但不限于采购替代商品或服务;无法使用、数据丢失或利润损失;或业务中断),无论起因为何,无论根据任何责任理论,无论是否在合同、严格赔偿责任中,或由于使用此App而以任何形式出现的民事侵权行为(包括疏忽或其他形式),Kepware 或其撰写者概不负责,即使被告知存在这种损害的可能性亦如此。对于因使用App、信息或协助的工程而产生的任何错误或遗漏,Kepware 概不负责。与示例代码或应用程序开发相关的问题属于应用程序协助类别,不属于产品支撑。下载和使用示例代码,即表明您已阅读、了解并同意本免责声明中列出的条款与条件。


KEPServerEX 不仅是 OPC 服务器,它还是一种适用于澳门太阳集团备用网址自动化和 IoT 的连接平台。只需下载 KEPServerEX,然后从包含 150 多种设备驱动、客户端驱动和高级插件的 Kepware 库中选择,以便适合您澳门太阳集团备用网址控制系统的独特通信要求。

驱动是一种App组件,能够使 KEPServerEX 满足某个特定设备、系统或其他数据源的连接要求。此驱动处理 KEPServerEX 与数据源进行的所有专属通信;客户端接口处理通向监控或控制设备的应用程序的所有连接,包括支撑的 OPC 连接、专属连接和开放式标准连接。


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