ClientAce - Kepware OPC Server 中国区总代理、合作伙伴 - 澳门太阳娱乐集团官网-澳门太阳集团备用网址




使用 ClientAce 让您的 .NET 应用程序支撑 OPC。ClientAce 提供一个拖放界面,可以快速轻松地将 OPC 项连接到 Visual Studio 中的任意属性或内置的自定义控件。此外,即使以前不具备 OPC 标准的常识,也能使用它的全功能 .NET API 轻松访问 OPC UA、OPC DA 和 OPC XML-DA 服务器应用程序。


DA Junction 控件

DA Junction 控件是一个自定义的 .NET 控件,让 Visual Basic .NET 和 C# 编程人员能够轻松开发可访问任何 OPC UA、OPC DA 和 XML-DA 服务器的 OPC 客户端应用程序。无需 OPC 接口的具体常识。DA Junction 将实行您的自定义客户端应用程序与 OPC 服务器之间的连接处理过程,必要时也实行监控和重新连接。

DA Junction 功能:

  • 该组件完全负责一个或多个 OPC 服务器的连接处理过程。
  • 将来自不同 OPC 数据访问接口的 OPC 数据转换为 .NET 数据类型。

使用服务器浏览器控件可浏览本地和远程计算机上的 OPC 数据访问服务器。服务器 URL 将在应用程序用于建立连接和获取数据的事件中返回。


使用项浏览器控件可浏览本地或远程计算机上 OPC 数据访问服务器中的标签/项。选择项/标签后,其信息将返回到应用程序。通过选择操作可请求服务器提供更新的数据。


使用通道设置控件可查看 Kepware 提供的 OPC 服务器内通道和设备的属性并进行特定更改。必须在服务器中启用写入系统级标签的功能。


使用服务器状态控件可查看 Kepware OPC 服务器项目的属性。这些属性包括连接到服务器的客户端数量、客户端添加的标签总量以及主动轮询的标签总量。

ClientAce .NET API

ClientAce .NET 应用程序编程接口 (API) 为 C# 和 Visual Basic .NET 等语言的用户提供简单、直观而且优化的类库,以便快速开发可访问 OPC 服务器的 OPC 客户端应用程序。

API 功能:

  • 简单直观的 .NET 接口。
  • OPC UA、DA 和 XML-DA 接口已简化为主要功能。
  • 无需不同 OPC 接口的具体常识。
  • 该 API 涵盖不同的 OPC 基础技术,例如 COM 和 DCOM。
  • 该 API 完全负责一个 OPC 服务器的连接处理工作。
  • 使用 ClientAce 可以非常简单地使用 C# 或 Visual Basic .NET 开发 OPC Client 应用程序。
  • 将来自不同 OPC 数据访问接口的 OPC 数据转换为 .NET 数据类型。
  • 快速、简单地搜索本地和远程的 OPC COM 服务器。
  • 在客户端-服务器间使用以 C++ 实现的内核功能进行高性能和优化的通信。
  • 每个开发席位一个设计时间许可证
  • 每个开发席位的每个许可证使用应用程序不受限制
  • 购买 ClientAce 需要选择首年支撑和维护服务
  • 应用程序的演示超时设置为 1 小时(有弹出提醒框)
  • 购买许可证后,可对应用程序签名以避免超时和弹出框
  • 签名实用程序随 ClientAce 提供
ClientAce 安装的免费工具
  • C# 和 VB.NET 客户端应用程序示例
  • 1 小时演示



  • 电话:4006 139 938 / 021-5102 8348
  • 电子邮件


  • 可用语言
  • 文档
  • 发行说明
  • 更多技术信息
  • 硬件要求
  • 运行环境要求
  • 示例代码
  • App要求


  • 英语




  • Updated the ClientAce binaries to version
  • Added support for Visual Studio 2013 IDE.
  • Added the following new examples:
    • Simple ClientAce OPC DA VS2010-12 Event Example_VB
    • Simple ClientAce OPC DA VS2010-12 Event Example_CS
    • Complex ClientAce OPC DA VS2010-12 Example_VB
  • Tested support for the .NET 4.5 Framework.
  • Added installer and files for the Visual Studio 2010 C++ Runtime and OPC Foundation Core redistributables.

ClientAce Binaries

  • Corrected an error that caused AsyncWrite to sporadically throw IndexOutOfBounds exceptions.
  • Corrected an error that caused OPC UA Connect to hang when the targeted server either did not support or had not enabled the security settings specified in the ConnectInfo object.
  • Fixed the ReadCompleted and WriteCompleted callback functions so that they return results for each item even if there is a timeout while performing the Read or Write actions (or if the complete operation failed).
  • Added the new status code E_Timeout.


  • Added support for the .NET 4.0 Framework in Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012.
  • Added support to the ClientAce API that allows ClientAce applications to be developed as OPC UA Clients (for DA Information Models only). ClientAce supports all OPC UA security levels, direct connections to endpoints, and browsing for endpoints via Local Discovery Servers.
  • Added support to the DA Junction that allows users to connect to OPC UA endpoints directly or to browse for local OPC UA endpoints via Local Discovery Servers.
  • Added support to the ServerBrowser Control for OPC UA server browsing via Local Discovery Servers.
  • Added support to the ItemBrowser Control for OPC UA server connection and OPC Item browsing.
  • Added support for UA user authentication through the passing of username and password credentials to the OPC UA server.
  • Updated the Kepware-specific ServerState Control. There are now two controls: one for OPC DA and one for OPC UA. The Server Project Name field was removed from the control, and the Server Project Title field was added.
  • Updated the Kepware-specific ChannelSetting Control. There are now two controls: one for OPC DA and one for OPC UA. The controls were updated to support the new channel and device properties that were added during updates to KEPServerEX V5. Newly supported fields include Pending Reads/Writes and Max Pending Reads/Writes for diagnostics, Media Level Redundancy monitoring tags, device-level diagnostics tags, Scan Modem, and Ethernet Encapsulation.
  • Added support to the ClientAce API that allows ClientAce applications to be developed as OPC XML-DA clients.
  • Made an enhancement that allows users to force ClientAce to only use the OPC 3.0 IOPCBrowse Method or the OPC 2.0 IOPCBrowseServerAddressSpace Method. In the default setting, the ClientAce API queries the OPC Server to determine the OPC specification it supports and then uses the appropriate browse method; however, some OPC servers do not properly indicate the specifications that they support.
  • Added support for the IOPCCommon::SetClientName Method. For servers that support this on the OPC interface, this method allows a client application to identify itself to the server application in addition to the ClientID. Support for IOPCCommon::SetClientName was added to KEPServerEX versions 5.7 and later.


  • Updated the libraries to version
  • Added support during installation for Roaming Profiles with remote servers. Add-in Install location is now relative to the target directory selected during installation and is visible within Visual Studio's Add-in Options. Some users may be required to uninstall the product before upgrading to remove any Add-ins previously installed in the default location.
  • Added new properties to the ConnectInfo class that support configurable timeouts for UA Service calls and adding read/write groups with active items.
  • Updated DA Junction control to sample at the same rate as the publishing interval instead of sampling as fast as possible.
  • Fixed an issue where the revised update rate was not set when creating a subscription on an underlying OPC UA server.
  • Corrected an error causing an exception when removing a server through the ServerBrowser control.
  • Fixed a memory leak with applications using the asynchronous methods ReadAsync / WriteAsync without binding to a ReadCompleted / WriteCompleted event.
  • Resolved an issue where license requests on certain operating systems (Windows 7 or higher) could not be validated.


  • Updated ClientAce binaries to address a low-level threading issue that could result in orphaned threads for callbacks.
  • Updated the VB .Net examples.
  • Added two new C# examples.
  • Fixed an installation issue that occurred when the user selected "Yes" in the "Disable Support for this version of 微软 Visual Studio" prompt during the installation.


  • Added Support for 微软 Visual Studio 2010


  • Added Support for 微软 Visual Studio 2008.
  • Added 微软 Visual Studio 2008 ClientACE components.
  • Updated Visual Studio 2003 and 2005 ClientACE components to version V1.1.0.15. This update addresses anomaly with datatype sent by some OPC servers.
  • Added 3 微软 Visual Studio 2008 examples: Simple and Complex ClientAce VS2008 Examples, plus Simple ClientAce DA_Junction VS2008 Example.
  • Separated 3 Visual Studio examples into separate components and install Example only if corresponding Visual Studio is detected. For example, if only Visual Studio 2008 is detected, then only Visual Studio 2008 example will be installed.
  • Setup now requires a minimum of 微软 Visual C# Language installed to 微软 Visual Studio to enable adding of ClientAce Components to Visual Studio Toolbox.
  • Updated the help file for VS2008 and Vista specific requirements.
  • Updated the help file for changes in the OPC Items class, the properties are now a list array vs. an object array.
  • Update the help file with descriptions of the properties, methods, and events associated with the Server Browser, Item Browser, and DA Junction class objects.
  • Updated the help file with example code showing how to use the Server Browser, Item Browser, and DA Junction in a project.
  • Updated the License utility with new e-mail address for support rather than sales.
  • Updated the License Agreement.
  • Fixed issue where using ClientAce objects in forms that are a custom derived class cause them to fail with an exception.



  • .NET 4.0/4.5
  • Visual Studio 2010 和更高版本

有关支撑 Visual Studio 2008 的信息,请联系大家寻求技术支撑,电话 021-6482 6558 。


请参考 Visual Studio 项目中将使用的 微软 .NET Framework 版本的硬件要求:

  • 100 MB 可用磁盘空间
  • 微软 Visual Studio 要求

部署使用 ClientAce 创建的自定义客户端应用程序时,.NET Framework 要求根据用于开发的 Visual Studio 版本而定。有关更多信息,请参考 ClientAce 产品手册中的“部署您的客户端应用程序”主题。


Visual Studio 2010 C++ 运行环境可再发行组件
  • ClientAce 的部分低级 OPC 层是在 Visual Studio 2010 中使用 C++ 编写的。因此,ClientAce 对于该版本的可再发行组件有一定的依赖性。部署使用 ClientAce 创建的自定义客户端应用程序时,这些文件都必须存在。这些可再发行组件的安装程序可在 ClientAce 安装文件夹中找到。
OPC Foundation 核心可再发行组件
  • OPC DA 客户端/服务器连接需要 OPC Foundation 核心可再发行组件,后者通常在向操作系统安装 OPC 客户端或服务器时安装。在从未安装 OPC 客户端或服务器的 PC 上部署使用 ClientAce 创建的自定义客户端应用程序时,必须安装这些组件才能使之运行。OPC Foundation 核心可再发行组件的安装程序可在 ClientAce 安装文件夹中找到。



  • ClientAce 和用于开发 ClientAce 应用程序的 微软 Visual Studio 开发环境对 微软 Windows 操作系统的要求相同。如果使用的 Visual Studio 版本的操作系统要求没有列出预期使用的操作系统,则不支撑在该操作系统上使用 ClientAce。

Windows Vista 和 Windows 7 上的 UAC

  • 为确保所有组件在设计环境中正确运行,请在使用的计算机上关闭 UAC,以便通过 ClientAce 开发应用程序。
  • UAC 限制对设计环境中的文件夹和文件的访问,这将影响设计环境中的某些对象。UAC 不影响运行环境中的这些对象。
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