BACnet/IP驱动 - Kepware OPC Server 中国区总代理、合作伙伴 - 澳门太阳娱乐集团官网-澳门太阳集团备用网址




适用于 KEPServerEX 的 BACnet/IP 驱动为连接、监视和控制建筑自动化设备提供接口,它可向大量App应用程序(包括建筑和能源管理系统以及企业 IT 网络)提供实时数据。它使用基于以太网的 BACnet 协议(通常称为“BACnet/IP”或“Annex J”)来连接设备。可使用 BACnet 网关设备来访问其他 BACnet 网络类型上的设备。



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  • 性能
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  • 将 BACnet 数据集成到符合 OPC 的 HMI/SCADA 应用程序
  • 允许先进的自动化、HMI/SCADA、ERP、大数据、资产管理和分析App通过 OPC、专有协议和 IT 协议(包括 MQTT、REST、ODBC 和 SNMP)访问 BACnet 数据
  • 支撑自动搜索设备
  • 支撑命令优先级,可将写入请求设为优先
  • 支撑影响消息分段的应用程序协议数据单元 (APDU)
  • 支撑设备的标签自动生成功能
  • 支撑以下标准对象,包括大部分所需的属性:累加器、模拟输入、模拟输出、模拟值、平均值、二进制输入、二进制输出、二进制值、日历、命令、设备、事件登记、文件、组、生命安全点、生命安全区、循环、多态输入、多态输出、多态值、通知等级、程序、计划和趋势日志
  • 支撑已确认和未确认事件内在的和算法的通知,事件状态包括值更改、状态更改、超出范围、无符号范围和命令失败


  • BACnet/IP (Annex J)


  • Simplified Chinese
  • 德语
  • 日语
  • 英语


  • DDE Format CF_Text and AdvancedDDE
  • NIO Interface for iFIX
  • OPC .NET Service (OPC .NET) Version 1.00
  • OPC Alarms and Events (OPC AE) Version 1.10
  • OPC Data Access (OPC DA) Versions 1.0a, 2.0, 2.05a, and 3.0
  • OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) Version 1.02
  • SuiteLink and FastDDE for Wonderware




  • 增加了中文支撑。



  • Fixed an issue where COV mode was changed to polling after a DNR response from the device that resulted in multiple ReadPropertyMultiple requests being issued with no SubscribeCOV request issued. The driver now sends a SubscribeCOV request for the objects that were using COV before the connection was interrupted.



  • Device discovery is now accessible as a right-click option on a BACnet channel in the Project Tree View.
  • Network Settings, Foreign Device, and Advanced Settings are now consolidated into a new Protocol Settings group.
  • The Allow COV Notifications with Empty NPDU property has changed to the COV Notifications property with options: Require NPDU and Allow Empty NPDU.
  • APDU, Command, and COV settings are now consolidated into a Protocol Settings group.
  • COV Resubscription Interval (HH:MM:SS) has been changed to Resubscription Interval (seconds).
  • Increased BACnet device discovery maximum timeout from 30s to 300s.
  • Added German language support.
  • Added Japanese language support.



  • Fixed an issue where the driver could incorrectly report bad quality for tags in response to a device's BACnet-ComplexACK to the driver's ReadPropertyMultiple request.
  • Fixed an issue introduced in the 5.18 release, where channel-level Device Discovery did not discover all the devices on a network.
  • Resolved an issue were the driver incorrectly triggered the error state if it received a single error to a ReadPropertyMultiple request. The error state should only be set if the device is not responding.
  • Enhanced the driver to support the Accumulator object.
  • Added support for individually assigning a BACnet command priority to tags from a connected BACnet device. Previous versions allowed only one command priority to be used for all tags from a BACnet device.
  • Added support for Confirmed and Unconfirmed Event Notifications for several Event States; including Changes of Value, Changes of State, Out of Range, and Unsigned Range.
  • Added support for IBM/微软 DBCS character set.
  • Included a Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS), documenting current BACnet supported properties and services.
  • Assigned BACnet Vendor Identification Number 873, used in network WhoAmI communications.



  • Fixed an issue where automatic tag generation failed if the device did not support segmentation. This issue was introduced in KEPServerEX version 5.15.
  • Enhanced the driver to support manual configuration of the BACnet MAC address. This allows the driver to communicate through a gateway to other BACnet network types.



  • Added support for Weekly, Exception, and Calendar Objects. These objects are represented as custom formatted strings that can be read and written. For details and VB code samples, refer to the BACnet/IP Driver help file.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed array element tags to use a zero index. This is no longer allowed.
  • Increased the maximum device limit from 100 to 128.
  • Fixed a typo in the Event Log message for a failed COV subscription.
  • Fixed a UI issue where the Import File field was not disabled when the Import Method parameter was set to Device.
  • Fixed an issue where the driver could improperly convert integer values to floats when reading and writing.
  • Added support for BACnet Broadcast Management Devices (BBMD) to Device Discovery at the channel level.
  • Fixed an issue where communications would fail after initial Automatic Tag Generation with a BBMD.
  • Added support for a new discovery scope to send a Who-is/I-am to a specified IP address.


  • Updated to allow the PresentValue Property Tag of the Schedule Object to be set to Read/Write.


  • Fixed an issue where tags have bad quality if the response to a ReadPropertyMultiple command has multiple properties listed under a single object identifier.
  • Added support for discovering devices on a BACnet network.


  • Added support for ISO 10646 (UCS-2) and ISO 8859-1 (Latin1) character sets.
  • Added a number of object properties to meet the 2008+ BACnet specification, in addition to support for simple array properties (arrays of primitive BACnet data types).
  • Increased the maximum number of channels from 32 to 128.
  • Added enumerated values and corresponding strings to support approximately forty new BACnet Error codes.
  • Added a new error class.
  • Fixed an issue wherein tags with a default client access of Read Only could not be set to Read/Write, even if Write access was allowed.
  • Addendum "Add-2004-135m" specifies a small change to the way segment ACK timeouts function. Before the change, Addendum timing started at the beginning of the Request window (during which one or more segments were sent). In some cases, this caused unnecessary timeouts for larger window sizes.
  • Now, the timer starts after the first segment is sent, after all the segments in the window (1 or more) are sent, or after the last segment is sent to the device.
  • Modified BACnetNetworkLayer to be able to route COV notifications from a device on a different BACnet network where NPDUs do not contain the source address. Although the behavior does not appear to meet the BACnet spec, this precedent has been set by the support of other vendors. A channel property was added to enable/disable this setting. It is disabled by default (since it could degrade performance if the BACnet network has a large volume of broadcast messages).
  • Modified the driver so that duplicate Device IDs are not allowed on a channel.
  • Increased the COV re-subscription interval maximum value from 1 hour to 24 hours.
  • Added an option for ALC devices to use a Subscriber Process Identifier (SPID) of 0. ALC devices consider all subscriptions with an SPID of 0 to be 1 subscription.
  • Added an option to wait for the device to acknowledge COV cancellations. This prevents the Runtime from shutting down until all COV subscriptions have been cancelled.


  • Fixed issue where the driver did not ask for one of the object names listed in the device when requesting Auto Tag Generation one item at a time. This name is used when "Use Object Name for Tag Group Names" is selected under the "Tag Import" tab under "Device Properties".


  • Modified driver to not repeatedly request the "Segmentation Supported" property from a device if the device returns an error to that request.
  • Fixed ATDBG when the device responds with an error to the Read Property: ALL command.
  • Corrected a problem with parsing a NotificationClass Object. This was causing ATDBG to fail with an internal test device, and generating default tags.
  • Resolved issue with permanent COV subscriptions.
  • Enhanced COV Subscription Request handling to improve performance



  • Fixed channel wizard issue that prevented user from moving to next page, incorrectly indicating that another channel was configured with same NIC and port.
  • Fixed an issue with processing "read property multiple" responses from certain brands of hardware, which resulted in toggling quality of all items associated with an object and repeated "device not responding" errors.


正式 BACnet 规范“ANSI/ASHRAE 标准 135-2001 BACnet 建筑自动化和控制网络的数据通信协议”说明了 BACnet 协议的各个方面。使用 Kepware 的 BACnet/IP 设备驱动时,建议用户熟悉第 12 条中讨论的标准 BACnet 对象和属性以及 Annex J 中列出的 BACnet/IP 详细信息。美国采暖、制冷与空调工程师学会 (ASHRAE) 或 BACnet 官方网站 提供了此规范以及许多其他有用资源。

BACnet/IP 产品手册中提供了协议实现一致性声明 (PICS)。





KEPServerEX 不仅是 OPC 服务器,它还是一种适用于澳门太阳集团备用网址自动化和 IoT 的连接平台。只需下载 KEPServerEX,然后从包含 150 多种设备驱动、客户端驱动和高级插件的 Kepware 库中选择,以便适合您澳门太阳集团备用网址控制系统的独特通信要求。

驱动是一种App组件,能够使 KEPServerEX 满足某个特定设备、系统或其他数据源的连接要求。此驱动处理 KEPServerEX 与数据源进行的所有专属通信;客户端接口处理通向监控或控制设备的应用程序的所有连接,包括支撑的 OPC 连接、专属连接和开放式标准连接。


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